Get Involved
Serve on a committee
Grace Lutheran Church has many committees to participate in. Church members can participate in Church Counci, Auditing Committee, Cemetery Board, Education Committee, Finance Committee, Nominating Committee, Property and Management Committee, Stewardship Committee, and the Worship and Evangelism Committee.
Help with Church Services
Grace members are encourage to help with church services. Members are expected to take turns ushering, cleaning and providing refreshments each week.
Volunteers are needed for readers, altar guild, greeters and communion assistant. Reach out to Sarah, Grace’s Church secretary for more information.
Teach Sunday School
We are always in need of teachers and helpers for our sunday school program. If you would like to help, please reach out to Terri Helland
Participate in Bible Study
The Bible study group meets every Wednesday at 10:30 am at Grace Lutheran. The group usually studies the Gospel lesson for the next Sunday. Good discussions are had! Come join us anytime.
Participate in Women's Group
We have a women’s group that works together to have social events like our annual Women’s Guest Day (November). We also raise funds to support various charities. Meetings are held after worship a few times during the year. Upcoming meetings and activities are announced through the bulletin and newsletter.
Participate in Choir or Hand bells
Our church choir provides a wonderful way to sing together with others and bring forth some special music for our Sunday worship. We rehearse on most Wednesday evenings. Anyone is welcome to join!